4-04-14 ETUC Euro-demonstration - Fighting for: Investments, Quality jobs, Equality

3 April 2014 22:00

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Photos of the Euro-demonstration: https://www.flickr.com/photos/etuc-ces/sets/72157642489103744/

As EU leaders prepare to gather in Brussels for their spring summit, they continue to undermine the European project by prolonging the financial and social crisis and alienating millions of people across the union.

"We in the trade union movement do not believe that the crisis is over. What we have to ask is, who is out of trouble? The financial system or the people?” “Europe is extremely weak on its social dimension. Citizens do not agree with the kind of path the EU is going down. Such a Europe will be not be regarded kindly by its citizens, if it doesn’t change course.”

The ETUC Euro-demonstration will take place in Brussels on 4 April 2014


Programme of the day:

09h00-11h00 : arrival of the participants

10h45-11h15 : rally and procession formation

11h30: demonstration starts

12h30-14h00 : podium with sound system for music and speeches of the European trade union leaders

14h00 : demonstration ends