ETUC Green Workplaces 2013: workers for sustainable mobility

Brussels, 07/05/2013

Agenda Final Conference

9.00-9.45 Building a Union Agenda for a Mobility Revolution

Introduction Patrick Itschert, Deputy General Secretary, ETUC

9.45-10.30 Keynote speech: Engaging the workforce in Europe’s sustainable mobility agenda

- Keir Fitch, Deputy Head of Cabinet, Transport and Mobility

10.30-11.00 Coffee

11.00-12.30 Rights for Workers to Sustainable Mobility

- A legal charter for commuter rights: Manel Ferri, CC.OO.

- Building alliances beyond the union movement – the UK experience of the ‘Action for Rail’ campaign: Matt Dykes,TUC

- Belgian experience of collective rights for sustainable mobility:

Bénedicte Vellande, CSC-ACV

12.30-14.00 Lunch

14.00-15.30 Investment in Mobility Policies as a Driver of Economic Recovery

- Investing to ensure inclusive sustainable mobility : Anne-Sophie Parent,

Secretary General of Age Platform Europe

Response from Philippe Lamberts MEP, ECON committee

15.30-16.00 Coffee

16.00-17.15 Just Transition in a Modal Shift

- CARS 2020: anticipating and managing change: Wolf Jäcklein (IndustriAll)

- Transport workers strategies Eduardo Chagas, ETF

- Alejandro Cercas MEP, Coordinator, EMPL

Concluding Report of the Two Day Workshop (December 2012 and February 2013)

With financial support of the European Commission