Ahead of the Special Council meeting of 1 October 2020, the ETUC strongly encourages EU leaders to propose an EU sustainable industrial strategy that delivers for the people and the planet.
What is the way out of the Covid-19 crisis?
Safety and health at work – and prevention of MSDs - more important than ever in times of Covid-19
The health and safety of workers and the protection of jobs and rights have been the priority of the European trade union movement throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. When the restrictions relaxed to achieve a gradual return to economic activity, the ETUC demanded guarantees that the health and safety of workers is fully protected.
Brussels, 28 September 2020
To Executive Committee
To Social Protection Committee
For information to ETUC Member Organisations
Dear Colleagues,
Declaration of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC)
Rejection in Switzerland of the so-called “limitation” initiative
Equal rights and efficient wage protection are the best solution for all workers, both European and Swiss
On 7 September 2020, the European Social and Economic partners (ETUC, BusinessEurope, CEEP, SMEunited and EuroChambres) and the European Commission - represented by Commissioners Johansson and Schmit - renewed their commitment to the European Partnership for Integration Offering opportunities for Refugees to integrate the European Labour Market with a
The COVID-19 outbreak has exposed and exacerbated the deplorable working and living conditions of hundreds of thousands of seasonal workers in the EU, the vast majority of whom are cross-border and migrant workers. The pandemic is a wake-up call to recognise the pressing need to improve the conditions of vulnerable yet essential workers in sectors such as agri-food. The lessons learnt should pave the way for actions to address the shortcomings of the current legal framework in times of crises as well as in everyday working life of seasonal workers.
Reply of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) to the Second Phase Consultation of Social Partners under Article 154 TFEU on a possible action addressing the challenges related to fair minimum wages
Executive Summary
Letter sent to the Presidents of the European Commission, European Council and European Parliament - Presidents von der Leyen, Michel and Sassoli.
Dear President
The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) and the Pan-European Regional Council (PERC) are following closely and with great concern the current situation in Belarus, after recent presidential elections. The ETUC and PERC demand the immediate release of trade unionists detained for having taken part in peaceful protests against falsified elections, notably Nikolai Zimin, former chairman of the Belarusian Independent Trade Union and Maxim Sereda, chairman of the UMTO the Independent Trade Union of Miners.
The ETUC and PERC denounce:
The ETUC congratulates its Austrian affiliate ÖGB for reaching a new tripartite agreement on short-time work.
Thanks to the strength of Austria’s trade unions, it was one of the first countries in Europe to secure workers’ incomes during the crisis and it is now leading the way in extending support.
This comes at a time where around 340.000 applications for short-time work have been filed in the country.
Brussels, 30 July 2020
To the Executive Committee
Dear all,
Please find below the final version of the statement on the Conference on the Future of Europe after the discussion and amendments of July Executive Committee meeting. The statement has already been sent to the European Parliament, Commission and Council to influence the negotiations for a joint declaration of the 3 institutions to launch the Conference on the Future of Europe.