• 09.03.2024 Document

    Letter to Prime Minister Kallas of Estonia on Platform Work Directive

    Dear Prime Minister Kallas, I am reaching out to you on behalf of working people and trade unions across Europe to ask you to support the Directive on Improving Working Conditions in Platform Work Your support, Estonia’s support, is the decisive factor for the adoption of the Directive. I understand that your government will decide closer to the vote in EPSCO on Monday 11th of March on its position.
  • 07.03.2024 Document

    Open letter to Bolt on Platform Work Directive

    Brussels 06/03/2024   Dear Mr Arras, Dear Mr Pozzana,  Over the past two years, we have met on several occasions at events related to the advocacy for the Platform Work Directive. 
  • 29.02.2024 Document

    Forced military conscription in Myanmar: strong EU action demanded - Joint letter to the President of the European Council

    Dear President, Dear members of the Permanent Representations to the EU, On 10 February, the military junta of Myanmar announced that they will begin mandatory military conscription. We, ETUC and all European Industry Federations (EIFs), completely oppose this shocking announcement and on behalf of workers and trade unions in Myanmar and their international trade union representation, we call on the EU Member States to agree on urgent EU action as soon as possible. 
  • 24.02.2024 Document

    Valencia Residential Building Fire: Letter of Condolences and Solidarity

    Esther Lynch wrote to the Spanish trade unions expressing the condolences and solidarity of the ETUC for the residential building fire that took place in Valencia.  Dear colleagues, I am writing on behalf of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) to express our deepest condolences and unwavering solidarity in the wake of the tragic fire that recently struck a residential building in Valencia, Spain.
  • 21.02.2024 Document

    ETUC statement on the agreement reached by the co-legislators on the Directive establishing the European Disability Card

    Cover Disability Card
    Last week, the European Commission and co-legislators reached a tripartite agreement on the Directive for a European Disability Card, marking a significant step towards enhancing accessibility and inclusivity across European Member States. The text was formally adopted today by COREPER. While this agreement signifies progress, it is imperative to acknowledge the pressing need to address the challenges faced by persons with disabilities, particularly concerning their entitlements when exercising their right to work and study abroad.
  • 08.02.2024 Document

    Climate targets without just transition is a ‘recipe for unrest’

    A dedicated just transition directive is needed to ensure the 2040 climate target announced by the European Commission can be met without further social unrest. Over the next 16 years, the Commission wants to achieve a 90% net reduction in reduce greenhouse gas emissions compared to 1990 levels. Trade unions support climate action – but already agreed climate legislation fails to convince people in affected sectors and regions because the European Green Deal doesn’t yet take into account the social and labour impacts of the transition. Too narrow
  • 29.01.2024 Document

    Letter to Commission President von der Leyen on traineeships

    Dear President of the European Commission Ms Ursula von der Leyen, We are addressing you after receiving information about delays in the publication of initiative on quality traineeships. The EU needs to take action to make traineeships empowering not exploitative. We need rules that ensure quality traineeships provide a truly formative experience accessible to all, instead of exclusive opportunities available only to the lucky few, which furthermore often replace entry-level jobs that would have been taken by young workers.
  • 19.01.2024 Document

    Letter to Belgian Presidency of the EU - Urgent call to reconsider the Presidency Proposal on the Directive on Improving Working Conditions in platform economy

    Urgent call to reconsider the Presidency Proposal on the Directive on Improving Working Conditions in platform economy Letter sent to Pierre-Yves Dermagne, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Economy and Employment   Dear Minister Pierre-Yves Dermagne, We address you this letter at the beginning of the Belgium Presidency, which we hope will be a successful one.
  • 28.12.2023 Document

    Rest in peace Jacques Delors

    It is with great sadness that the ETUC learnt of the passing of former President of the European Commission, Jacques Delors. The trade union movement loses one of its own.   A committed trade unionist himself, his presidency of the European Commission was marked by a deep commitment to social dialogue, social justice and solidarity – values as relevant and even more needed today. 
  • 22.12.2023 Document

    Prague shooting: Message of solidarity and condolences from the European Trade Union Confederation

    Dear Josef, I am contacting you to express the solidarity and deepest condolences from the ETUC to the families of those killed and affected by the senseless shootings in Prague. We sincerely wish the injured a full recovery. We commend the responses of the university students and staff, as well as the emergency response workers, who reacted quickly in the face of the horrifying events. The European Trade Union Confederation and our trade union family reaches out in solidarity to CMKOS and we stand with you and your members on your national day of mourning tomorrow.
  • 19.12.2023 Document

    ETUC Resolution on the European Job Guarantee

    ETUC Resolution on the European Job Guarantee Adopted at the Executive Committee Meeting of 6-7 December 2023 The ETUC supports the idea of a European Job Guarantee, which would provide employment opportunities for the long-term unemployed through a state-run programme for job seekers unable to find opportunities in the open labour market. The Job Guarantee should be built on the following main principles:
  • 07.12.2023 Document

    ETUC Solidarity Statement with TESLA workers

    ETUC Solidarity Statement with TESLA workers Statement adopted at the Executive Committee Meeting of 06-07 December 2023 The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) representing over 45 million workers and 93 trade union confederations and 10 European trade union federations in Europe offers all its support to the Swedish union IF Metall, in their demand for fairer working conditions via a collective agreement for Tesla workers in Sweden.
  • 07.12.2023 Document

    ETUC condemns the increasing criminalisation of LGBTIQ+ people and activists in Russia

    ETUC condemns the increasing criminalisation of LGBTIQ+ people and activists in Russia Statement adopted at the Executive Committee Meeting of 06-07 December 2023 Today the ETUC Executive Committee condemned a November 30 ruling by Russia's Supreme Court banning the activities of the "international LGBT movement" in the country. As there is no such organisation in existence, there was no defendant in court.
  • 07.12.2023 Document

    Letter in support of Commerce workers in Austria

    Across Europe, the real wages of millions of workers suffered a reduction not seen for many years. Now more than ever, ETUC calls for a pay rise: The cost of living crisis is putting additional pressure on workers who struggle to afford the most basic standard of living. Protecting purchasing power in the current cost of living crisis and closing the gap between high and low wages is crucial. Wage increases have, for too long, lagged behind productivity in many Member States.
  • 28.11.2023 Document

    Forced labour - Joint letter to Council of the EU

    On October 16, 2023, the European Parliament’s lead committees, the Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) and the Committee on International Trade (INTA) adopted, with an overwhelming majority, their position on the proposed on the proposed EU Forced Labour Regulation. The ETUC joined forces with civil society organisations to urge the EU Council to speed up negotiations to adopt a General Approach. The letter outlines four core elements that must be included in the Council's position:
  • 15.11.2023 Document

    Break the chain of dependency and promote equal treatment of migrant workers

    Break the chain of dependency and promote equal treatment of migrant workers Joint statement on the revision of the Single Permit Directive 18 European networks and organisations, representing trade unions and NGOs, call on EU lawmakers not to trap migrant workers in exploitation, by ensuring a meaningful right to change employer, and to ensure full equal treatment, particularly in private rented housing.
  • 25.10.2023 Document

    Tripartite Social Summit: Esther Lynch intervention

    The Tripartite Social Summit took place on 25 October 2023. Interventions by Esther Lynch (ETUC), Enrico Somaglia (EFFAT) and Maxime Legrand (CEC) are attached. The text of Esther Lynch's intervention A Green Industrial Policy for a Great Jobs Economy follows: President von der Leyen, President Michel, Prime Minister Sanchez, Vice-President, Commissioner, Vice-President, Deputy Prime Minister, Secretary of State, colleagues,