The ETUC reiterates its very strong support for the French trade unions united in their mobilisation for social dialogue and against the pension reform in France.
The way in which the French pension reform was adopted, without any dialogue with social partners, is not acceptable.
The European Social model is based on social dialogue. The respect for social dialogue and for the role of social partners is a key component of democracy in Europe and must be promoted, not disregarded.
The 'reform' of the pension system is an attack on the well-being and aspirations of workers and their families. This reform is even more unacceptable – and counterproductive - when inequalities are growing, and the cost of living crisis is severe. It would only deepen inequality and place a greater burden on working people, particularly the poorest. This is all the more negative given that the financing of the French pension system does not require such a measure.
The ETUC and the whole European Trade Union movement will continue to support French trade unions in their struggle against this reform, against its content and because of the lack of social dialogue.