Solidarity Letter sent to Bogdan Iuliu Hossu, President, CARTEL ALFA
ETUC fully supports Cartel-Alfa in its actions to oppose Government austerity and to end wage poverty and pension inequality.
ETUC strongly endorses Cartel-Alfa’s calls for social rights.
It is unacceptable that the Government:
- ignores the law on setting minimum wages and the Government formula for calculating minimum wage,
- increases minimum wages by only 3,1% when it should increase by 8%,
- freezes promised wage increases for many public sector workers,
- maintains a flat tax rate that increases inequality and a law that makes collective bargaining almost impossible.
It is shocking that the “increased” minimum net wage is the equivalent half the value of the consumption basket for one person.
Romanian minimum wages are worse than poverty wages. Reducing the value of the required increase is an outrage.
Labour productivity in Romania is 66% of the EU’s hourly average, but the cost of labour a pitifully low 35% of the EU average.
Romanian workers are not getting a fair share of the wealth they produce.
They are being exploited and trade unions are fully justified in taking action until they achieve a fair deal for workers and pensioners.
It is not surprising that Romania is suffering from brain drain and large-scale emigration.
ETUC considers Alfa-Cartels demands to be completely reasonable and fully justified.
ETUC backs Alfa-Cartel’s calls for a decent minimum wage, fair pensions, quality public services, unlocking collective bargaining, fair taxation, correct application of the legislation.
ETUC says solidarity with the working people and trade union of Romania.
Social rights for Romanian workers.
Luca Visentini
ETUC General Secretary