A new bilateral agreement between Denmark and Romania on the provision of services and the posting of workers constitutes an important win for Danish trade unions – the culmination of efforts to improve collaboration with Romanian officials to combat social dumping.
Denmark has had problems with letterbox companies that circumvent rules on workers’ rights. This agreement establishes stronger cooperation between the two countries’ authorities to ensure that EU and national rules are respected, and provides for an exchange of information about serious, fatal and collective accidents involving citizens of the other country. It is a major achievement for LO-Denmark, which works to improve conditions for all workers on the Danish labour market.
Said Danish Employment Minister Troels Lund Poulsen: “The agreement will create greater transparency and make it easier for authorities to exchange information and to check that rules are obeyed when Romanian workers come to Denmark to work. This makes the agreement an important piece in the puzzle to ensure decent conditions on the labour market.”