* : ETUC assessment of the communication of the European Commission - Labour and Skills Shortages in the EU, an Action Plan

To: Social Attachés of the Permanent Representations to the EU

Brussels, May 15th 2024

Dear social attachés,

As we prepare for the discussions at Social Questions Working Party tomorrow regarding the action plan on labour and skills shortages, I am writing to share an ETUC's assessment of this plan, which you will find attached.

While ETUC acknowledges certain positive initiatives outlined in the European Commission's communication "Labour and Skills Shortages in the EU: An Action Plan" such as the analysis of digitalization impacts and the social partners' consultation on telework and the right to disconnect, and the initiatives on addressing psychosocial risks, on other aspects of the plan appear to fall short. Unfortunately, some elements come across as superficial attempts to address pressing labour market issues. Rather than offering substantive strategies, these aspects of the plan do not include the necessary comprehensive and ambitious solutions.

I remain available for any further exchanges on this very important matter.

With best regards,


Tea Jarc

ETUC Confederal Secretary