A deal concluded between the trade union Vida and employers in the small delivery industry in Austria has brought a salary rise of up to 5% for the lowest-paid workers.
Under a minimum wage agreement originally drawn up in 2017, employees in the highest pay bracket increase their incomes by 3%, while those in the lowest get a raise of up to 5%, backdated to 1 January 2018, and valid for 12 months.
"We have come a lot closer to a minimum wage of €1,500 in the field of small transporters," said the federal secretary for the Vida road department, Karl Delfs, welcoming the accord.
Now the union is aiming to negotiate a collective agreement covering the entire bicycle delivery industry. "Here it is known that the social partners are out to achieve a collective agreement solution,” added Karl Delfs. “In a working group between cyclists and companies, a binding collective agreement is due to be reached by the end of the year.”