Adopted on 11.12.2024 ETUC Statement: Call for a Moratorium on Forced Redundancies EN - Adopted Statement - Call for a Moratorium on Forced Redundancies.pdf FR - Adopted Statement - Call for a Moratorium on Forced Redundancies.pdf
Adopted on 11.12.2024 ETUC Position on EU Digital Trade Agreements with 3rd countries EN-Adopted Position on EU Digital Agreements with 3rd countries FR-Position adoptée sur les accords commerciaux numériques de l'UE avec les pays tiers
Adopted on 11.12.2024 An EU-financed Investment Facility for quality jobs and just transitions EN - Adopted Resolution - An EU-financed Investment Facility for quality jobs and just transitions.pdf FR - Adopted Resolution - An EU-financed Investment Facility for quality jobs and just transitions.pdf
Adopted on 10.12.2024 ETUC policy against forced labour and human trafficking EN - Adopted - ETUC policy against forced labour and human trafficking.pdf FR - Adopted - ETUC policy against forced labour and human trafficking.pdf
Adopted on 10.12.2024 Strong public welfare and social protection in transitioning to EU EN - Adopted Resolution - Strong public welfare and social protection in EN - Adopted Resolution - Strong public welfare and social protection in FR- Résolution Adoptée -Des politiques publiques fortes en matière de l' État providence et de protection sociale
Adopted on 10.12.2024 ETUC Position on the Better Regulation Agenda – for people and planet, not for profit EN-Adopted ETUC Position on the Better Regulation Agenda for people and planet not for profit FR- Adopted ETUC Position on Better Regulation Agenda for people and planet not for profit
Adopted on 15.10.2024 Energy Union Regulation - Taking Decisive Action to Protect Industry, Households, and Create Quality Jobs EN - Adopted Resolution - Energy Union Regulation - Taking Decisive Action to Protect Industry Households and Create Quality Jobs.pdf FR - Adopted Resolution - Energy Union Regulation - Taking Decisive Action to Protect Industry Households and Create Quality Jobs_0.pdf
Adopted on 15.10.2024 A European Industrial Policy for Quality Jobs EN - Adopted Resolution - A European industrial policy for Quality Jobs.pdf
Adopted on 15.10.2024 The right to adequate, decent and affordable housing EN - Adopted - Resolution on the right to adequate, decent and affordable housing_0.pdf FR - Adopted - Resolution on the right to adequate, decent and affordable housing_0.pdf