The ETUC expresses its solidarity to the victims of terrorism

Brussels, 10/09/2004

The European Trade Union Confederation joins with its Italian affiliates in expressing solidarity with the families of the four volunteers - two Italian women from the Organisation “A bridge to Baghdad” and two Iraqis, one of whom belongs to the INTERSOS organisation linked to the trade union movement - kidnapped earlier this week.

We join in their firm condemnation of those responsible for organising and carrying out the abduction of persons who have for many years worked for the cause of peace, against war, alongside the weakest Iraqi citizens, in order to re-establish normal conditions of life in the country.

We also join in the expressions of solidarity for the two French journalists still held in Iraq, and grieve with the families of murdered hostages from all parts of the world, many of them migrant workers with little or no protection, the death toll of whom now reaches twenty-five.

Particularly on the occasion of the anniversary of 11 September, tomorrow, we call on all affiliates to raise their voices in their rejection of terrorism and in support of action by the international community to end violence and bring peace to the Iraqi people. We ask the European Institutions and Governments to use all possible diplomatic channels to secure the release of the hostages and to help bring about an end to the tragedy in Iraq.

Communiqué de presse