The European Commission has published a disappointingly vague Annual Strategic Foresight Report that fails to clearly put people at the heart of its long-term thinking.
While the report addresses general mega trends, it misses the crucial and human fact of the need for social progress and justice, and jobs. This is vital for managing the climate and technological changes ahead in a just and inclusive way.
The report only mentions closer participation with unions and employers in relation to training and needs to go well beyond that.
ETUC Confederal Secretary Liina Carr commented
“Working people want to know how they and their children and grandchildren will earn a decent living in the coming decades. Many working people are already worried about having been left behind and disillusioned with the widening of wage and wealth inequality.
“But the EU’s long-term strategy needs to be firmly based on the needs and well-being of its people, on ensuring well-paid jobs and decent, climate-friendly work.
“The report is all about big global trends, on technological, demographic and environmental changes, and is very focused on its impact on the economy and EU geo-political influence.
“At a time when the EU is opening a supposedly open and public debate on the future of Europe, this report does not inspire confidence that the interests of its people are at the forefront of the European Commission’s thinking.”