All three ETUC-affiliated trade unions in Italy (CIGL - CISL - UIL) are holding joint demonstrations all over the country on Saturday 26 June

  • Against the Italian Government’s proposal to lift a ban on redundancies during the COVID pandemic: a move that could make up to two million Italians redundant within weeks,
  • For a restart to the economy that puts the focus on work, cohesion and social justice.

The demonstrations will take place in the north, centre and south of Italy in the cities of Turin, Florence and Bari.


The Italian unions are calling for the ban on redundancies to be extended and for investment in health, pensions, jobs for women and young people, schools and health and safety at work.


Luca Visentini ETUC General Secretary has sent a letter of support to all three Italian trade union General Secretaries for their demonstrations and their demands, and promising to raise their concerns with the European Commission.


“Premature removal of the ban on redundancies will create an avalanche of unemployment that will hold back the recovery” warned Luca Visentini, General Secretary of the ETUC. “The European Union is set to invest €200 billion in Italy’s recovery from the pandemic, and this should help Italy to create jobs. The Italian Government and employers should not be destroying jobs before the investment arrives.”


“The EU investment is an opportunity to create a fairer Italy with more jobs, especially for women and young people. The Government needs to seize that opportunity and invest in health, schools and pensions.”


“ETUC stands right behind the Italian unions and their demands for a recovery based on jobs, cohesion and social justice. This is what trade unions are demanding not only in Italy but across the whole of the European Union.”


Communiqué de presse