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Invitation : Invitation to high-level conference on adaptation to climate change and the world of work

Brussels 31/08/2020

Dear ETUC Members, 

Dear Friends,

We are pleased to invite you to a high-level conference on adaptation to climate change and the world of work that will take place online on 8th September 2020 from 10.00 to 13.00

Consequences of climate change will impact the world of work in many ways: various economic sectors will be negatively affected by the rise of temperature; heat waves and extreme weather events will exacerbate workers exposure to occupational health and safety risks; and in sectors dealing with emergency situations, workers will experience a dramatic intensification of risks and workload due to wildfires, floods and droughts. 

Together with our members and with the financial support of the European Commission, we have conducted a project to map the impacts that climate change will have on workers and to better involve them into adaptation policies.

Over the last year, ETUC was able to collect sector-oriented examples, best practice and concrete recommendations that will be presented and discussed during the conference. These elements will provide input to the EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change that will be published in the framework of the European Green Deal.

We are looking forward to a discussion between you and invited experts during this interactive online event which will offer an interpretation in English, Spanish, Italian, German and French. We kindly ask you to register via this link to receive all information and dial-in details.

As the online participation is not limited, we kindly invite you to share this invitation with your networks. 

For any additional questions please do not hesitate to contact Lucie Susova, project officer in charge of this event.

In solidarity,

Ludovic Voet,

ETUC Confederal Secretary