European Social Dialogue Academy (ESDA) 2018

24-26 septembre 2018


Boulevard Roi Albert II 5
1210 Bruxelles

PDF Version

Application Form

Brussels 29 June 2018

  • To: ETUC member organisations and European Trade Union Federations

  • To: the members of the Social Dialogue Committee

  • To: the members of the ETUC Youth Committee


European Social Dialogue Academy

24 – 25 – 26 September 2018

(second session to take place 29-30-31 October 2018)

Boulevard du Roi Albert II 5 – B-1210 Brussels


Dear Colleagues,

We are happy to launch another session of the European Social Dialogue Academy (ESDA). ESDA hosts young trade union representatives who are enthusiastic to be introduced to the European social dialogue structures, processes and mechanisms.

On the basis of the objectives set in the integrated projects of the European social partner organisations 2016-2018, the ETUC intends to pursue its work of capacity building for the social dialogue in the member states, to extend it to candidate countries and examine how it can provide help to trade unionists in all EU countries. 

According to this broad objective, the ETUC will organise ESDA 2018, which comprises of two sessions of academy meetings on the instruments and results of the European social dialogue in Brussels.

Up to 20 participants will get acquainted with the functioning of the cross-industry and sectoral EU social dialogue level. They will also have the opportunity to exchange with representatives from trade unions (cross industry and European federations), employer’s organisations (BusinessEurope, CEEP, UEAPME) and European Institutions (e.g. European Parliament, EESC, Social Dialogue Committee).

The first session of the academy will be held in Brussels on the 24, 25 and 26 September 2018. The second 3-day meeting will take place on the 29, 30 and 31 October 2018. In order to fully benefit from this programme, a continuous participation at both sessions is required.

The European Social Dialogue Academy is specifically addressed to young trade union representatives with little or no knowledge of the European cross-industry and sectoral social dialogue, but with a good command of English (no interpretation will be provided).

Nominations must reach us by 7 September at the latest (see the attached sheet). The ETUC secretariat will select the participants taking into account regional and gender balance.

Please wait for confirmation from the organisers before making travel and accommodation arrangements.

Please read carefully the accommodation and travel policy. We especially draw your attention to the fact that you are required to book your hotel room directly with the hotel yourself. Accommodation costs will be refunded after the event upon receipt of an invoice. Whether or not you choose to book a room in a hotel suggested by the ETUC, the refund will be for a maximum amount equivalent to the price negotiated, in this case EUR140/night, for a maximum of 3 night(s). Read more in the attached invitation.

Additional details and working documents will be sent out directly to participants in due course.

Should you need more information about ESDA, please contact Mr Ruairi Fitzgerald ([email protected], tel. +32 (0) 2 22404 04.

I look forward to seeing you in Brussels.

Best regards,

Peter Scherrer

ETUC Deputy General Secretary

[encl. Application Form, Draft Agenda]