Report and summary: ETUC mid-term conference in Rome - Democracy at work: the future of workers' participation

To the:

  • ETUC affiliates
  • ETUFs
  • Worker's participation and company policy committee
  • Participants on the ETUC mid-term Conference in Rome



Dear colleagues,


From the 29.5. – 31.5.2017 the ETUC and the ETUC affiliates came together for the ETUC mid-term conference in Rome.


Many of you participated actively in the panel session Democracy at work: the future of workers’ participation. To hold on the discussion, the input and your contributions we prepared a report including a summary of the online voting results during the session and a conclusion & follow up of the discussed issues.


You can find the report in the attached file. If you have any comments don’t hesitate to contact me.


Kind regards


Peter Scherrer,

Deputy General Secretary