Trade Unions Against Discrimination


Trade Unions Against Discrimination 

While the topic of equality is very close to trade union hearts, there is a need to improve the intersectional dimension of discrimination in the world of work

During 2 years (June 2023-May 2025), the ETUC will implement a number of actions as part of a project called " Trade Unions against Discrimination" in cooperation with its affiliates but also external experts from civil society and academia including :

  • the organisation of 5 learning seminars focusing on a specific theme (disability, racism, gender, ageism, LGTBIQ)
  • the production of a compendium of best practices that can be applied at the workplace to detect, 
    tackle and prevent discrimination at the workplace but also policy recommendations for decision-makers on national and EU levels

The main objectives of the project are:

  1. 📢Raise awareness of the intersectional discrimination and contribute to the shift of understanding of discrimination from a largely individual to a more structural level
  2. ⤴️Enhance the Trade Union capacity to detect and combat and prevent discrimination at the workplace
  3.  🤝Building synergies among Trade Unions and Civil Society Organisations to mainstream equality at the workplace and to strengthen the workers perspective in national and EU policymaking.