Dear Lidija and Tea,
The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) wishes to express our full support for Sindikat Mladi Plus, a member of our Slovenian member organization ZSSS, in their efforts of organising workers and to engage in collective bargaining with Wolt and Glovo, two digital labour platforms operating in Slovenia.
We are extremely concerned by the negative response of these companies to undertake collective bargaining with Sindikat Mladi Plus, citing that their workers are self-employed and therefore cannot be represented by the union.
Firstly, we would like to remind these companies that the right to organize in trade unions and to bargain collectively is a fundamental right enshrined in international legislation (the Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention No 98) and European labour codes. We strongly believe that this right should be respected and upheld.
Secondly, we would like to highlight that the recently adopted Guidelines on Collective Agreements for Solo Self-employed by the European Commission (2022) clarify that there is no conflict between this fundamental right and the actions of competition authorities.
Thirdly, we urge these companies to take in consideration the potential ruling of future EU Legislation on the genuine status of their workers as self-employed or whether they are being forced into bogus self-employment to avoid employer responsibilities and evade fiscal and social responsibilities. Collective bargaining with trade unions is the best way to clarify the respect of worker’s rights and entrepreneurial freedoms by digital labour platforms.
For all the reasons listed above, we urge Wolt and Glovo to reconsider their position based on inaccurate arguments and to engage in good faith negotiations with Sindikat Mladi plus, representing workers of their company. By working collaboratively with these unions, they can ensure that their company is promoting fair and decent working conditions for all workers, including genuine solo self-employed.
We hope the situation can be rectified and we will make all necessary steps to raise awareness of Eu and national policymakers about Wolt and Glovo Slovenia unwillingness to respect EU values of social dialogue and collective bargaining. We remain at your disposal and fully supportive of your actions.
Kind regards,
Esther Lynch Ludovic Voet
General Secretary of ETUC Confederal Secretary of ETUC