Digital Trade Unionism Toolkit
In an era defined by rapid technological advancement and shifting socioeconomic landscapes, trade unions find themselves at a critical juncture. Traditional ways of doing things aren’t working as well as they used to. Structures and methods that once underpinned our effectiveness are being challenged by a multitude of factors, necessitating a profound re-evaluation of our strategies and approaches. Now, more than ever, the call for digital trade-unionism echoes with urgency and importance.
This toolkit comes from a comprehensive two-year project led by the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC). It’s been funded by the European Union and aims to help national trade unions deal with the digital world, boost their membership, and stick to their core values.
During this project, we’ve seen some real-time problems that unions are up against. Membership numbers are dropping, especially with younger people. New precarious types of jobs, flexibilisation of the labour market and platformisation are making it harder for unions to reach workers. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated trends towards teleworking and non-standard forms of employment, while simultaneously eroding the communal spaces of large workplaces where union solidarity once thrived. All of this is making it tougher for unions to connect with members. In parallel, the rise of far-right ideologies poses a direct threat to the fundamental principles of social justice and workers’ rights that unions champion.
The world around is constantly changing and this has a direct effect on how we live, work and communicate. Have trade unions been changing fast enough to keep up the pace? Are we even ready and willing to go on this journey of a renewal? To tackle the challenges of today, trade unions need to embrace digital tools, and new ways of reaching out to people, developing new engagement strategies, and innovative organising techniques. It is within this context that this toolkit finds its purpose — to serve as a roadmap for communication departments and campaigning staff seeking to revitalise their unions and amplify their impact in the digital sphere.
The insights contained within these pages are not abstract theories but rather practical wisdom distilled from the collective experiences of five national workshops, the guidance of our project’s Steering Committee, and the invaluable contributions of ETUC’s members. They represent a synthesis of lessons learned, best practices identified, and innovative strategies devised to confront the challenges of our time. They’re practical tips and strategies to help unions thrive in the digital age. May this toolkit serve as a beacon of inspiration and empowerment, guiding us towards a trade union renewal and a future where trade unions stand as vibrant champions of social justice and equality in the digital age.
For more information, visit Digital Revolution Toolkit | DigiRevToolkit