Commenting on the EU’s autumn economic forecast for weak economic growth and ‘subdued’ labour market recovery, ETUC General Secretary Bernadette Ségol, said
“The forecast fall in unemployment over the next two years is unacceptably small and slow. In 2016 unemployment is forecast to be at 9.5% in the EU and 10.8% in the Eurozone. The €300 billion investment plan proposed by Commission President Juncker will not be enough to get Europe back to work. The new Commission will have to propose more ambitious action.”
She added “In addition to the poor economic outlook, new poverty figures out today show that 122 million Europeans are at risk of poverty – 6 million more than in 2008.”
European Commission’s 2014 Autumn Economic forecast:
Latest Eurostat statistics “Risk of poverty or social exclusion in the EU28” :