• 18.11.2013 Press release

    ETUC supports Bulgarian trade unions in crisis situation

    Brussels, 18/11/2013 Against the background of months of growing public discontent at political mismanagement, the Bulgarian parliament has been discussing the budget law for 2014. The parliament’s budget and finance committee will consider this in second reading on 20 November. Constructive trade union proposals advanced in the National Council for Tripartite Co-operation, aimed at dealing with escalating poverty, unemployment, the degradation of public services, corruption and the fight against monopolies have fallen on deaf ears.
  • 14.11.2013 Press release

    ETUC on the inter-ministerial summit on youth employment: stop talking, act now!

    Brussels, 14/11/2013 About 120 young trade unionists and youth NGO representatives from all over Europe gathered in Paris for the Youth Summit for Quality Jobs on the occasion of the summit of European head of states and ministers of labour. The summit was complemented by many side events organised jointly by the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), the French trade unions (CFDT, CGT, FO and UNSA) and the European Youth Forum, with the support of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OCDE).
  • 13.11.2013 Press release

    Annual growth survey: current policies offer little hope for Europe's jobless - ETUC says change, not stagnation, is key to recovery

    Brussels, 13/11/2013 Sadly, the prospect of a jobless recovery continues to loom large in Europe. The AGS proposes a continuation of the very economic strategies that have prolonged the crisis and contributed to the decline in employment and the social situation in many countries. A radical change is needed. Europe needs investment not austerity; member states must stop the strategy of an endless race to the bottom based on lower wages and working conditions.
  • 13.11.2013 Press release

    ETUC and the European Chemicals Agency work together for safe use of chemicals at work

    Brussels, 13/11/2013 The site was developed in co-operation with the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) to help workers benefit from the provisions of the chemicals legislation. The new web section explains how REACH, CLP and the Biocidal Products regulations can enhance safety at work, reduce exposure to hazardous chemicals and help prevent illnesses, injuries and accidents caused by chemical substances. It provides examples, practical information, tips and useful links to workers exposed to chemicals.
  • 12.11.2013 Speech

    UGT-P 35th anniversary

    Lisbon, 28/10/2013 [Check against delivery] Caras e Caros Colegas, Em nome da Confederação europeia de sindicatos (CES) , eu gostaria de dizer aqui uma palavrinha em portugês, para agradecer a UGT assim que o seu Secretario geral e amigo Carlos Silva, por me ter convidado a comerorar, convosco os 35 anos da UGT. I like to introduce the European Trade Union Confederation as the European Trade Union because this designation immediately shows what we are, what we do and for whom, and why we do it.
  • 07.11.2013 Press release

    ETUC launches bold investment plan for a new Europe

    Brussels, 07/11/2013 The plan, A New Path For Europe: ETUC plan for investment, Sustainable Growth and Quality Jobs, outlines how Europe can lift itself out of crisis by investing in sustainable growth and jobs through a bold recovery strategy based on investing an additional 2% of GDP per year over a 10-year period in a new industrial base and creating quality employment and educational opportunities. The new stimulus plan will create up to 11 million new jobs in Europe and aid sustainable economic and social recovery over the next decade.
  • 25.10.2013 Press release

    EU Summit- Empty words on social Europe – strong words to support deregulation

    Brussels, 25/10/2013 By rapidly implementing the REFIT programme, the Council is rubber stamping Barroso’s intention to ditch the social partners’ agreement on the protection of occupational health and safety in the hairdressing sector. Instead of attacking workers’ rights, the Commission should focus its efforts on ensuring that EU legislation is correctly applied throughout Europe and identify regulatory gaps.
  • 24.10.2013 Speech

    Speech given by Bernadette Ségol, ETUC General Secretary to the Tripartite social summit

    Bruxelles, 24/10/2013 Check against delivery President(s), partners The European Trade Union Confederation was waiting with anticipation for the Commission Communication on strengthening the social dimension of Economic and Monetary Union, together with the role of social dialogue. But its adoption on 2 October left us profoundly dissatisfied. I would like to make a few brief remarks regarding this proposal and also on the general situation we are in.
  • 24.10.2013 Press release

    Tripartite Social Summit: concrete changes to save Europe now

    Brussels, 24/10/2013 At the meeting the ETUC will demand that: - the Council change course, and launch a bold European recovery plan with a target of investing additional 2% GDP per year over the next decade drawing on national and European resources. The aim is to relaunch the economy leading to sustainable growth, to re-industrialise Europe and to create decent jobs, particularly in countries most affected by the crisis.