Brussels, 22/01/2014
Unfortunately, the Commission fails to put forward a proposal on how this potential for growth could be translated into job creation and states that it expects EU unemployment to remain at 11%, an all-time high, for at least two more years.
Brussels, 16/01/2014
“This report underlines the importance of a strong industry to support lasting and quality jobs in Europe,” said Jozef Niemiec, ETUC Deputy General Secretary. “Encouraging the reindustrialisation of Europe through the mobilisation of adequate financial means and through support for innovation is essential for Europe to get out of the crisis”.
Brussels, 15/01/2014
The introduction of a mandatory social clause guaranteeing the respect for labour law and collective agreements in the workplace is an important improvement to the European rules on public procurement.
“The revised directive on public procurement will allow public authorities to make sustainable choices and make sure that workers’ rights are upheld”, said Veronica Nilsson, ETUC Confederal Secretary.
Brussels, 14/01/2014
A total of 502 people, mainly trade unionists, were called to trial in Ankara yesterday (13 January) for taking part two years ago in a demonstration against Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdo?an's educational reform.
Brussels, 09/01/2014
New figures show that Europe still faces a massive employment crisis, with an estimated 26,533 million citizens out of work, an increase from the previous year. Unemployment now stands at 12.1% in the euro area.
Despite these statistics, some European leaders continue to push for business as usual policies.
Project "Providing welfare through Social Dialogue: A renewed role for Social Partners?"
The aim of this 12 month project is to analyse this new reality (of supplementary welfare provision based on collective bargaining and/or unilateral action by the employer called Voluntary Occupational Welfare – VOW or so-called “contract welfare”) by mapping and assessing the increased role of “contract welfare” in eight EU Member States: Austria , Belgium, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain, Sweden and the UK.
Brussels, 20/12/2013
The June 2012 growth pact will not relaunch growth and employment. After 18 months in operation, unemployment remains at over 12%, and youth unemployment is rocketing as high as 60% in some member states. The EIB's lending capacity should be multiplied by 4 and invested in European projects for sustainable development, particularly in countries in difficulty. There must be democratic control over the attribution and use of these funds.
Brussels, 19/12/2013
According to a recent report by the European Commission, the pay gap between women and men in the European Union continues to remain. ETUC express its disappointment at the lack of ambition from the commission, and its unwillingness to undertake concrete measures to fight the gender pay gap.
The findings of the report are alarming. Despite a slight weak downward trend, in recent years, the gender pay gap exists at various levels in all 28 Member States. For example, on average, women also work 59 days unpaid per year.
Brussels, 18/12/2013
As EU leaders prepare to gather in Brussels for their end of year summit, they continue to undermine the European project by prolonging the financial and social crisis and alienating millions of people across the union.
Speaking ahead of the summit on 18 December, ETUC Secretary General, Bernadette Ségol, announced that a European trade union demonstration will take place in Brussels on 4 April 2014, as the European Parliament prepares to elect new members.
Brussels, 17/12/2013
Migrant workers continue to face uncertainty in the labour market ahead of national workers; with evidence of wage discrimination, social dumping, and lower opportunities in the access to market. Some employers are also taking advantage of the economic crisis with cases of abuse and exploitation (especially in the agriculture and construction sectors).
Brussels, 13/12/2013
The European Commission has today (13 December) issued its proposals for best practices for reducing the social impact of restructuring, which offers guidelines for stakeholder on how best to minimise the effect of restructuring.
However, the ETUC says that the time for inactivity is over. Reacting to today’s announcement, the ETUC says “we have had enough evaluations of best practices – it’s time for political action”.
Speech given by Bernadette Ségol, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC)
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