A growing number of Polish drivers are working in Belgium, sometimes on Belgian work contracts, and joining local trade unions. The Belgian Union of Transport (UBT) has set up a special info-point to support them.
The service offers information on a wide range of issues including social security, tax, unemployment benefits, and bankruptcy – and helps to counter social dumping by checking drivers are getting the same pay as Belgian colleagues.
Agata Osicka, who runs the info-point, is herself of Polish origin, enabling her to assist the drivers in their own language. The service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, at 00 32 470 890162. “Of course, I won’t be picking up the phone all day long,” she says, “but I will contact anyone who leaves a message, within 24 hours.”
The union, which is part of the FGTB/ABVV, has also published a guide: ‘Vos droits de chauffeur de camion en Belgique dans un contexte international’ (Your rights as a truck driver in Belgium in an international context).