REMINDER: Democracy at Work goes local – Board-level representation in Spain
Active language
English, French, Spanish, GermanPassive language
ItalianEvent details
Brussels, 5 April 2022
- ETUC Workers' Participation and Company Policy
- ETUC Labour and Internal Market Legislation Committee
- ETUC Fundamental Rights and Litigation Advisory Group
- ETUC Ad hoc group on EWCs
- For information to the Member Organisations
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to kindly remind you of the invitation to our hybrid webinar on board-level representation in Spain together with ETUC affiliates from UGT and Comisiones Obreras.
Date: 29 April 2022
Time: 10.00am – 1.30pm (Spanish time)
Location: ZOOM and Avenida de América 25 – SALA CONSEJO, 6th FLOOR, 28002 Madrid
First, an introductory session will give insights into Board-level employee representation in Spain. In the 2nd panel, trade union practitioners from the boards of SEAT & ADIF will exchange their experiences. Finally trade unionists, political representatives and representatives from civil society organisations will discuss how to strengthen Spanish Democracy at Work in the future.
Register here
Find the draft agenda attached in English and Spanish
Interpretation will be provided in: English, Spanish, French, German & passive Italian.
Zoom Details will follow soon.
We are very much looking forward to your participation in person and online.
Kind regards
Isabelle Schömann
Confederal Secretary