02.07.2024 Document

Adopted Resolution - On the offensive to combat gender-based violence in the world of work

Adopted at the Executive Committee meeting of 24-25 June 2024 Introduction Preventing and combatting gender-based violence in the world of work is a key priority of the ETUC.  The recently adopted Directive combatting violence against women and domestic violence fails to deliver meaningful provisions to make the  world of work safer for women workers. It also fails to recognise our role as trade unions to end gender-based violence.
22.06.2024 Document

Open letter to European Council on the Strategic Agenda 2024-2029

European Council
Dear President Michel, I am contacting you regarding the ongoing discussions on the EU Strategic Agenda 2024-2029 and in view of the European Council meeting on 27/28 June. The ETUC is concerned that – according to the information received – the draft of the Strategic Agenda still does not include the necessary focus on the improvement of the situation for working people, their families and communities.
  • 17.05.2024 Document

    Urgent need to support just transition ambition in Environment Council Conclusions

    Dear Environment and Labour Ministers, In conjunction with the European Trade Union Confederation, we, the undersigned, serving as Presidents and General Secretaries of Trade Unions from Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), are compelled to underscore the importance of safeguarding just transition initiatives deliberated within the Environment Council Conclusions.
  • 09.03.2024 Document

    Letter to Prime Minister Kallas of Estonia on Platform Work Directive

    Dear Prime Minister Kallas, I am reaching out to you on behalf of working people and trade unions across Europe to ask you to support the Directive on Improving Working Conditions in Platform Work Your support, Estonia’s support, is the decisive factor for the adoption of the Directive. I understand that your government will decide closer to the vote in EPSCO on Monday 11th of March on its position.
  • 07.03.2024 Document

    Open letter to Bolt on Platform Work Directive

    Brussels 06/03/2024   Dear Mr Arras, Dear Mr Pozzana,  Over the past two years, we have met on several occasions at events related to the advocacy for the Platform Work Directive. 
  • 29.02.2024 Document

    Forced military conscription in Myanmar: strong EU action demanded - Joint letter to the President of the European Council

    Dear President, Dear members of the Permanent Representations to the EU, On 10 February, the military junta of Myanmar announced that they will begin mandatory military conscription. We, ETUC and all European Industry Federations (EIFs), completely oppose this shocking announcement and on behalf of workers and trade unions in Myanmar and their international trade union representation, we call on the EU Member States to agree on urgent EU action as soon as possible. 
  • 24.02.2024 Document

    Valencia Residential Building Fire: Letter of Condolences and Solidarity

    Esther Lynch wrote to the Spanish trade unions expressing the condolences and solidarity of the ETUC for the residential building fire that took place in Valencia.  Dear colleagues, I am writing on behalf of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) to express our deepest condolences and unwavering solidarity in the wake of the tragic fire that recently struck a residential building in Valencia, Spain.
  • 28.11.2023 Document

    Forced labour - Joint letter to Council of the EU

    On October 16, 2023, the European Parliament’s lead committees, the Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) and the Committee on International Trade (INTA) adopted, with an overwhelming majority, their position on the proposed on the proposed EU Forced Labour Regulation. The ETUC joined forces with civil society organisations to urge the EU Council to speed up negotiations to adopt a General Approach. The letter outlines four core elements that must be included in the Council's position:
  • 04.10.2023 Document

    European Week of Teachers – support ETUCE

    The ETUC  stands with teachers and their European trade union federation, the ETUCE, for the European Week of Teachers. The week of action aims to raise policy solutions in their 10 key demands to make teaching more attractive.
  • 19.09.2023 Document

    BEFIT: Commission gives green light to tax avoidance until 2031

    The European Commission recently published its long-awaited BEFIT (Business in Europe: Framework for Income Taxation) proposal for the taxation of large multinational companies. It follows a long-term effort to introduce group taxation with a formula for allocating taxable profits where value is created (in terms of payroll, number of employees, assets). This was the intended objective of the CCTB and CCCTB proposals, which have now been withdrawn from the European agenda.
  • 09.08.2023 Document

    In Memoriam of MEP Trillet-Lenoir

    It is with sorrow that we learnt about the passing away of MEP Véronique Trillet-Lenoir earlier this month. Her remarkable dedication to the health and safety of workers will be remembered.   As a public servant dedicated to achieving health and safety at work, MEP Trillet-Lenoir demonstrated a solid commitment to improving the lives of workers throughout the EU. Her recent involvement in the revision of the Directive on asbestos at work demonstrated her dedication and commitment to making workplaces safer for all.  
  • 26.05.2023 Document

    ETUC reply to the first phase of the Social Partner Consultation on a possible revision of the European Works Council Directive (2009/38/EC)

    ETUC reply to the first phase of the Social Partner Consultation on a possible revision of the European Works Council Directive (2009/38/EC) Adopted by written procedure on 22 May 2023 The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) welcomes the European Commission’s intention to address the shortcomings of the European Works Council Directive (Directive 2009/38/EC) through a legally binding initiative.
  • 24.02.2023 Document

    One year later the war must end!

    Working people always suffer in conflicts and the pursuit of peace is a fundamental trade union value. On 24 February 2022 Russian military forces invaded Ukraine, bringing destruction to peaceful cities and workplaces. It has been a year of shock and pain, devastating news and images, but also a year of bravery and consolidation of Ukrainian people and their unions and a year of solidarity, unity, and support.
  • 22.11.2022 Document

    The role and involvement of Social Partners in the European Semester and EU economic governance

    The role and involvement of Social Partners in the European Semester and EU economic governance ETUC document discussed at the Executive Committee Meeting of 27-28 October 2022 The ETUC encourages the European Commission to set up a more structured and binding framework for social partners involvement in the EU Semester having respect of national practices but mandating the national governments to consult social partners according to quality criteria, and report on the effectiveness of their involvement and its results.
  • 07.11.2022 Document

    Proposal for a Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence (CSDD) - Updated Roadmap to mobilise ahead of the EU trialogue

    DD image
    Proposal for a Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence (CSDD) - Updated Roadmap to mobilise ahead of the EU trialogue Discussed at the Executive Committee meeting of 27-28 October 2022 Summary of key messages Based on the ETUC key demands as adopted by the Executive Committee in December 2019 in the ETUC Position calling for a European Directive on mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence and responsible business conduct[1], the ETUC position ‘Towards an EU law on mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence: indicative roadmap for ETUC actions in 2021-2022’ (December 2021)[2] as well as the ETUC Position ‘ETUC initial analysis of the Commission’s proposal for a Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence and updated roadmap for ETUC actions in 2022-2023” (March 2022)[3], the ETUC Executive Committee is asked to discuss and take note of this (updated) position paper which provides in particular a summary of the main amendments the ETUC intends to put forward to the European Parliament and Member States and other stakeholders as well as an overview and update of the actions undertaken March 2022 and some suggestions for further actions in view of the EU trialogue which is likely to start in Q2 in 2023 at the earliest.
  • 14.10.2022 Document

    2023: European year of skills… for quality or precarious jobs?

    After the year of rail in 2021 and the year of youth in 2022, the European Commission decided to put the focus on skills for 2023. The challenge of skills is of course of paramount importance for the trade union movement, but we expect results and concrete policies, not declarations of good intentions. Rail workers have seen little to no improvements to their difficult working conditions and young workers are the most affected by consecutive crisis.