04.07.2024 Document

Traineeship Package

Traineeship Package Adopted at the Executive Committee Meeting of 25-26 June 2024  
23.05.2024 Document

Voting for Europe: Securing a bright future, together

At time of geopolitical crisis, it is even more important to support and strengthen European democracy. This is why the European social partners – ETUC, BusinessEurope, SGI Europe and SMEunited – are calling on those who are eligible to vote in the upcoming European elections to make their voices heard.  As representatives of trade unions and employers across Europe, we are united in our belief that participation in these elections is not just about electing policymakers; it is about securing a bright future for all and addressing the key challenges of our time. 
07.05.2024 Document

Joint EU Trade Union statement toward the Council negotiation on the revision of the European Works Council Directive

The revision of the European Works Council Directive was proposed by the European Commission at the request of the European Parliament. Regrettably, the European employers' organisations do not seem to appreciate this democratic practice. There is no other way to understand the public statement published on 22 March by Business Europe, Hotrec, EuroCommerce, European Banking Federation, ECEG and CEEMET and sent to the Employment Committee of the European Parliament and the Council.
  • 30.04.2024 Document

    Trade Union Summit for Ukraine Declaration

    The European trade movement, under the auspices of the European Trade Union Confederation, met with the Ukrainian trade union movement represented by FPU and KPU on 23 April 2024 in Lublin, Poland in the framework of the Trade Union Summit for Ukraine. Read the declaration here 
  • 21.02.2024 Document

    ETUC statement on the agreement reached by the co-legislators on the Directive establishing the European Disability Card

    Cover Disability Card
    Last week, the European Commission and co-legislators reached a tripartite agreement on the Directive for a European Disability Card, marking a significant step towards enhancing accessibility and inclusivity across European Member States. The text was formally adopted today by COREPER. While this agreement signifies progress, it is imperative to acknowledge the pressing need to address the challenges faced by persons with disabilities, particularly concerning their entitlements when exercising their right to work and study abroad.
  • 28.11.2023 Document

    Forced labour - Joint letter to Council of the EU

    On October 16, 2023, the European Parliament’s lead committees, the Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) and the Committee on International Trade (INTA) adopted, with an overwhelming majority, their position on the proposed on the proposed EU Forced Labour Regulation. The ETUC joined forces with civil society organisations to urge the EU Council to speed up negotiations to adopt a General Approach. The letter outlines four core elements that must be included in the Council's position:
  • 04.10.2023 Document

    ETUC response to the second-phase consultation of Social Partners under Article 154 TFEU on a possible revision of the European Works Council Directive (2009/38/EC)

    Adopted at the Executive Committee Meeting of 27-28 September 2023 In its legislative-initiative resolution[1]adopted by a large majority on 2 February 2023, the European Parliament called on the Commission to revise the European Works Council Directive[2]  with the aim of strengthening European Works Councils (EWCs) and their ability to exercise their right to information and consultation.
  • 04.10.2023 Document

    European Week of Teachers – support ETUCE

    The ETUC  stands with teachers and their European trade union federation, the ETUCE, for the European Week of Teachers. The week of action aims to raise policy solutions in their 10 key demands to make teaching more attractive.
  • 02.10.2023 Document

    ETUC position on the response to the Social Partner Consultation on CMRD6

    ETUC position on the  response to the Social Partner Consultation on CMRD6 Adopted at the Executive Committee of 27-28 September 2023 Introduction The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) welcomes the European Commission’s intention to revise the Directive on the protection of workers from risks related to exposure to carcinogenic, mutagenic or reprotoxic substances at work (CMRD or Directive 2004/37/EC).
  • 28.09.2023 Document

    Yolanda Diaz address to ETUC Executive Committee

    Yolanda Diaz
    Yolanda Diaz, Second Vice-President of the Government of Spain and Minister of Labour and the Social Economy, addressed the ETUC Executive Committee on 28 September in Madrid.  Please find the text of the address (in Spanish) in the link.
  • 19.09.2023 Document

    BEFIT: Commission gives green light to tax avoidance until 2031

    The European Commission recently published its long-awaited BEFIT (Business in Europe: Framework for Income Taxation) proposal for the taxation of large multinational companies. It follows a long-term effort to introduce group taxation with a formula for allocating taxable profits where value is created (in terms of payroll, number of employees, assets). This was the intended objective of the CCTB and CCCTB proposals, which have now been withdrawn from the European agenda.
  • 12.09.2023 Document

    Joint call for a ban on deregulation for SMEs

    CFDT, FO, CFTC UNSA and DGB with the support of the ETUC call for a ban on deregulation for SMES    Deregulation: no - Simplification: under strict conditions The Franco-German Initiative on the relief package for SMEs is disguised deregulation: SMEs fall in a legal no man’s land; Business cannot be above the law
  • 09.08.2023 Document

    In Memoriam of MEP Trillet-Lenoir

    It is with sorrow that we learnt about the passing away of MEP Véronique Trillet-Lenoir earlier this month. Her remarkable dedication to the health and safety of workers will be remembered.   As a public servant dedicated to achieving health and safety at work, MEP Trillet-Lenoir demonstrated a solid commitment to improving the lives of workers throughout the EU. Her recent involvement in the revision of the Directive on asbestos at work demonstrated her dedication and commitment to making workplaces safer for all.  
  • 25.04.2023 Document

    ETUC and ETUCE support statement for Latvian trade unions in view of protest march and strike

    Dear colleagues,                                                                The ETUC and the ETUCE stand in solidarity with the Free Trade Union Confederation of Latvia (LBAS) and the Latvian Trade Union of Education and Science Employees (LIZDA) in their mobilisation, protest and strike to ask the government to take responsibility and fulfil the agreement reached in September 2022 for salary adjustment and balancing of the workload of all education personnel at national level, by adopting amendments to the relevant normative acts.
  • 12.04.2023 Document

    ETUC Position on the Reform of the economic governance (toward an EU pact for employment and investments)

    ETUC Position on the Reform of the economic governance (toward an EU pact for employment and investments) Position adopted at the Executive Committee Meeting of 30-31 March 2023 The reform of the economic governance of the European Union issued on 9 November 2022 should be assessed as insufficient. The European Commission's (EC) proposal appears inconsistent with both the Versailles Declaration of 11 March 2022 and Porto’s Social Summit Conclusions in 2021. Social and sustainability frameworks, such as the EPSR and SDGs, are disregarded.
  • 04.04.2023 Document

    ETUC position - The ETUC response to the High-Level Group report on the Future of Social Protection and of the Welfare State

    The ETUC response to the High-Level Group report on the Future of Social Protection and of the Welfare State Position adopted at the Executive Committee Meeting of 30-31 March 2023 Summary of the Position a.  The Final Report of the High-Level Group of experts on the future of social protection and the welfare state in the EU was launched on 7 February 2023.
  • 30.03.2023 Document

    Support of the European Trade Union Confederation for French trade unions

    ETUC Executive Committee
    The ETUC reiterates its very strong support for the French trade unions united in their mobilisation for social dialogue and against the pension reform in France. The way in which the French pension reform was adopted, without any dialogue with social partners, is not acceptable. The European Social model is based on social dialogue.  The respect for social dialogue and for the role of social partners is a key component of democracy in Europe and must be promoted, not disregarded.
  • 24.02.2023 Document

    One year later the war must end!

    Working people always suffer in conflicts and the pursuit of peace is a fundamental trade union value. On 24 February 2022 Russian military forces invaded Ukraine, bringing destruction to peaceful cities and workplaces. It has been a year of shock and pain, devastating news and images, but also a year of bravery and consolidation of Ukrainian people and their unions and a year of solidarity, unity, and support.
  • 02.02.2023 Document

    Trade union statement to EU-Ukraine Summit on 3 February

    The European Trade Union Confederation and its affiliates, Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine and Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Ukraine, fully support Ukraine and its people in the fight for democracy and sovereignty against Russian aggression. That was a year of shock and pain, devastating news and images, but also a year of bravery and consolidation of Ukrainian people and their unions and a year of solidarity, unity and support.