The European trade union movement, rejects the war and violence, condemns continuous aggression by Russian Federation against Ukraine and expresses full support and solidarity to Ukrainian people in their fight for democracy, sovereignty and territorial integrity.
Working people always suffer in conflict not least because they lose their jobs and means of supporting their families' well-being. The pursuit of peace is a fundamental trade union value, an essential condition to secure safety, social justice and workers’ and human rights. We continue to call on governments, international organizations to increase their influence on ending Russia's military aggression in Ukraine.
We fully support the European future Ukraine has chosen. We are gravely concerned, however, that in the situation of war, when all the efforts made by Ukrainian entrepreneurs, workers and population ensuring sustainability of the economy, when trade unions have been vital in providing humanitarian support – in stricken areas and enterprises, temporary shelters, or workplaces – Ukrainian authorities initiate the adoption of laws that narrow workers’ rights, expropriation of trade union property, do not respect social dialogue that undermines national unity, democracy and trust of people.
The accession process must be based on adhering to EU fundamental values of social dialogue and the role of social partners, as well as ensuring the respect of workers’ rights and full respect for their representative trade union organizations.
We call the Ukrainian authorities:
- To withdraw anti-union and anti-worker legislation adopted under disguise of the martial law;
- To stop attacks against trade unions and their leaders, abuses of investigative powers and defamation campaigns;
- To restore national social dialogue and consultations with social partners at the national level over structural reforms, harmonization of labour legislation and national social and economic policies in accordance with the requirements of EU membership;
- To ensure cooperation with trade unions on national, sectoral and regional plans for current and post-war recovery.
We call the European Union and its member states to make sure that fundamental principles of the rule of law, respect for workers and trade union rights, equality and genuine social dialogue in Ukraine can not be compromised, in particular in the in the negotiation process.
We call on the IMF and all donors to ensure that decent work and social dialogue are at the heart of the recovery.
We express full support to the Ukrainian people and trade union movement in its fight against external aggressor.
We also express support to Ukrainian people and trade unions in the struggle for social rights, trade union and workers rights.
The war must end!
Workers’ rights violations must end!
Long live free, democratic and sovereign Ukraine!
Solidarity forever!