The mission of INFOPOINT, a project of strategic importance for ETUC, is to fulfil the top priorities of the budget line 04030303, managed by the European Commission (DG EMPL) to support the implementation of European projects in the field of information, consultation and participation of workers representatives at company-level.
The INFOPOINT is articulated around 2 main axes:
Axis 1 – information point: technical assistance/helpdesk for the setting-up and launching of transnational co-operation projects to be financed under the 04030303 budget heading. The INFOPOINT helpdesk is available, free of charge, to help in the preparation of a grant application dossier in order to obtaini financial support for your European projects in the field of information, consultation and participation of workers.
Axis 2 – Observation Point: evaluation and dissemination of results achieved in the enforcement of the acquis communautaire in the field of information, consultation and participation rights, and of the functioning of worker representation bodies in companies operating at a European level such as EWCs.
- Events
- Information on EC Budget line 04030303
- Observation Point